We would like to address some common questions.

Q: What’s the difference between Geared and XYZ agency?
A: Oddly, many agencies struggle with this fundamental question. Some have the same USP just repackaged, or — none at all. Geared specifically caters to the entrepreneurial spirit.
We work well with people and companies that understand that the only way to succeed is by bringing uniquely different. Entrepreneurial individuals are willing to take creative risks to bring down their goliath, and that’s where we excel.

Q: What are your costs?
A: It's all evaluated case by case. This is due to so many marketing variables. In terms of compensation, some are by project fee, some are hourly, and some are retainer-based. Either way, it's a win-win for you. You'll get a larger agency experience without large agency costs. In fact, due to low overhead, it's possible that we are lower than most mid-size agencies. Geared’s approach is an excellent answer to marketing budgets that can no longer support the traditional advertising agencies' multi-layered model.  Click here for more information on our model.

Q: How do you come up with your ideas? 
A: Although it is difficult to say how ideas are explicitly generated, some ideas come naturally or take time. So, since intellectual property is part of what we provide, here's a glimpse into our "creative" world.

Q: What if I don’t see any work in my category?
A: If you do not see work that fits within your industry category, that doesn't mean we haven’t done the work. Simply ask us, and you may be pleasantly surprised.

Q: Can you turn work around within a specific time period?
A: Our model is very streamlined. When you do not have a traditional multi-layered agency infrastructure, and clients can work directly with the content creators, timing is positively impacted. For instance, our team needed to produce 30+ brochures, posters, and POP material within a couple of months — everything from concept to design and copywriting to photography to press supervision and so much more. We got it done correctly and on time.

Q: Awards vs. Results? 
A: It's common to hear companies proclaim that they are not interested in awards — only results. We couldn't agree with this more. As a company whose primary goal is our clients' ROI, we believe that whichever idea gets the best results is best. We also would like to present this for consideration: research findings suggest that the more creative or unique the idea, the more it attracts a response. Whereas a less intriguing idea may have a lesser effect. (Did we also mention that we are a big proponent of research?)

Any more questions? Contact us by email: inquiries@gearedadvertising.com or call 949-800-7465.